dob & age
Sabela Diana Alvarez
September 20 1989 & 25 years old
Union City, New Jersey
Musician, Reality TV Star
Unattached, Rumored Bisexual

Sabela Alvarez never chased fame, it sort of just happened. Growing up, it never seemed too out of reach; there were connections and maybe if Sabela had spoken up and said she wanted to pursue something--maybe modeling, maybe acting, she was sure that her parents would have supported her and pulled some strings to get her name out there to make that dream come true. The problem was, she never really had those dreams. She grew up understanding that opportunities were out there and her family had the resources to make practically anything (within reason) happen. She knew she could pursue fame if she really desired it and she also knew that she could pursue higher education and take that direction, but Sabela was in a constant state of not knowing what she really wanted out of life. She liked writing, but she didn't know where to go with that.

When she was nineteen years-old, five years after her mother remarried and moved the family to Los Angeles, everything seemed to happen at once. At a time when reality TV seemed to be everywhere for any reason, her home was the next to be filled with camera crews documenting the life of her step family, and in turn, her life as well. Since the focus was more on the Stepps rather than herself or her (real) siblings, Sabela was under the very short-lived impression that it wouldn't make that big of a difference in the long run.

It didn't take long for the show to gain attention, not only for the Stepps but for herself as well. Despite not being a main focus on the show, her appearances gained her more attention than she could have predicted leading to all of her social media accounts gaining hundreds of thousands of followers practically overnight with people wanting to know more about her on and off camera, fan sites popping up, and as one might expect: haters seemingly coming out of the woodwork to critique her every move.

Though she was no closer to deciding what she wanted to do with her life than she had been before filming began, she took the show as her cue to put a pause on everything and just live out her life and have fun. She was still young, so why not?

This attitude gained her the reputation of being a party girl despite the fact that she never did anything too outrageous. Reality TV thrives on drama, though, so even if she only went clubbing two or three times a month, the cameras were on her and it was misconstrued in the media, making it seem as though she was out every single night partying it up. She made a few weak attempts to clear the air on social media, but people seemed to believe what they were seeing on the show over whatever she had to say.

She decided to shrug it off by playing that image up even further, thinking that if that's what the fans wanted, that's what she'd give them.

In 2012, Bel announced on the show that she was working on a project with friends and that it was "very hush hush." Rumors of what she was working on ranged from a clothing line to a sex tape (thanks, media) but nothing was known about it until some leaked songs in early 2014. There were plenty of mixed reactions, ranging from hating her music because of who she was to being impressed that she allegedly wrote the songs herself. An official EP was released in October 2014 followed by two full music videos and two teaser videos. A full length album is expected in August 2015, and a tour is scheduled starting in May 2015. Bel has been quoted saying that while she would love for people to separate her music from her reality persona, she realizes that probably won't be likely but she hopes people come out to her shows or give her music a chance despite how they feel about her as a person.
Room 93 (2014) Ghost, Hurricane, Is There Somewhere, Trouble (Stripped), Empty Gold

Room 93, The Remixes (Single, 2014) Hurricane (Arty Remix), Ghost (Lost Kings Remix), Trouble (Sander Kleinenberg Remix)

Room 93, 1 Mic 1 Take (Single, 2014) Ghost, Hurricane, Trouble


  • "Stepp Your Game Up" premiered in 2008. The show gives a peek inside the lives of Michael Stepp (general manager for LA Lakers) and Lourdes McKay (former model and home decor designer), their children: Brooklyn (choreographer and creative director), Austin (player for the Oakland Raiders), and Jackson (player for the Los Angeles Clippers), Rachele Stepp (owner of a non-profit organization), Ginella Alvarez (actress), and Sabela Alvarez (musician).

  • Sabela views the show as both a blessing and a curse, knowing she wouldn't have had the opportunities she's had handed to her without it, but also knowing the world might take her a little more seriously if it weren't for the show.

  • She announced on the show in 2012 that she was working on a project with friends but refused to confirm what it was until early 2014 when some songs of hers leaked.

  • Her music is well received by fans of the reality show and a few strays who aren't fans of the show but enjoy her songs. Others find her hard to take seriously.

  • Due to the stigma of reality TV, she's well aware of the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" idea that goes along with it. She knows that if she wasn't working on music or anything else, people would talk about how she rides the coattails of her stepfather and siblings, but she also knows that some people are going to hate anything she does on principle and talk about how she only has those opportunities because of the show. Earlier in her music career, she stated in several interviews that she felt like she couldn't win with some people no matter what she did and that it did bother her, but she eventually stopped mentioning it. In more recent interviews, she's been recorded stating, "There are always going to be people out there who hate me for whatever reason and that's fine, I'm not here for them. I'll keep doing music as long as someone out there is listening."